Workshop Schedule
Day 1: Shamanic Reiki for Deep Healing
Day 2: Energy Mastery
Day 3: Spirit Guides
Day 4: Tools of the Trade
Day 5: Healing Self and Others

It's Time to Hear the Call
The Beckoning of your Soul Self is leading you into the next evolution of your Journey.
Feel the Quickening of your Life Force as you peer through the doorway and glimpse what lies ahead for you.
A Healer lies within all of us. The Wise One who guides us to our Wholeness, our Life Purpose.
You are the One you’ve been waiting for.
Join Me for this FREE 5 Day Workshop to Awaken the Healer Within.
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This Workshop is for You if:
You feel the pull towards deep healing AND you are ready to step through the doorway into your magical self!
You know you are the cycle breaker in your lineage.
You are finally ready to prioritize your healing and walk that healing into the world.
You’ve ever felt the call to a healing path in service of others.
You are ready to live from your Centre with a clear mind and open heart.
You desire a loving connection with Soul and your Higher Source (whatever that is for you)
You sense that walking in your Highest Potential is possible!
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Meet Erin,
Greetings, I’m Erin Kerr, Shamanic Practitioner, Healer, Coach and Ceremonialist. I will be walking with you in your journey to Awaken the Healer Within!
I have been dancing with Spirit for most of my life and co-creating with and for the People professionally for over 10 years. Some of my cherished memories working with Spirit include facilitating Shamanic Drumming Circles, workshops creating Medicine Drums, teaching Reiki and Shamanism classes and doing hands-on healing work with Shamanic Reiki.
My own personal journey has encompassed learning from and working with depression, low self-worth, fears of rejection, attracting toxic relationships, and struggles with perfectionism. Working closely with my Teachers and Guides in person and in Spirit, I have learned the importance of being oh-so-gentle with myself. It takes compassion, self-awareness, and the dedication of a Light Warrior to continuously choose healing and growth.
My soul’s mission is to walk with you as you come home to yourself, discovering and embracing your incredible Potential. I invite you to journey with me to Awaken the Healer Within and move into the next evolution of your growth.
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What Others Are Saying About Erin
"Erin, I really appreciate your insight into the individuality of everyone’s path and the opportunity to each weave our own blanket within the context of Shamanic practice."
Joan S.
"Thank you so much for sharing.., I love you! I’ve had so many aha moments!"
Shona H.
"I kept an open mind and heart, and closed my eyes and just LetGo and listened to Erin’s voice, and Connected to Spirit in a more unique Way than ever before."
Eric J.
“The class was organized and executed very well.”
Reiki Level 1 Student
“Excellent class. Enjoyed all the learning. Erin is very knowledgeable and an excellent facilitator. She made everyone feel comfortable and accepted and she instilled a sense of belonging in the group. Enjoyed her sense of humour and down-to-earth nature.”
Reiki Level 1 Student
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The Time Is Now
You have nothing to lose except old, outworn patterns.
The healing journey is big and can feel daunting but you don’t have to do it alone.
Your Soul Tribe is here.
Walk with us as we
Awaken the Healer Within