My Story
I'm so glad you’re here. Thank you for your interest in my story! Read on to learn more about my own evolution on the Healer’s Path.

It All Began With a Quickie
Ha! It’s not what you think… My journey with energy medicine began when I was 20 years old, traveling and volunteering with a Canadian youth program called Katimavik. One of the parents in my homestay family taught Reiki, and gave me what I call a “Reiki Quickie” for my Level 1 training. In their healing room, I was given one Reiki attunement and shown the treatment process in Diane Stein's book Essential Reiki. I confess, I couldn’t really feel the energy during the attunement and thought all this magic hand waving seemed a little weird. However, I still wanted to understand it desperately!

Hands Down and, Go!
Dave (the homestay Dad), hopped up on the healing table and told me to just put my hands down and go! For the first four hand positions, I felt pretty silly, not sensing anything.
Then, at the Heart Chakra, a bolt of energy shot through my head, down my arms and out my hands into his chest. “Holy shit, what’s that?!”, I exclaimed. “There it is!”, he said, simultaneously. And just like that I had my Level 1 Reiki training. This 1 hour experience was about to change the trajectory of my whole life!!

A Shift in Direction
Much later, in 2007 and now living in Edmonton, AB, I met my second Reiki teacher and received my Level 2, Usui Reiki. I joined his regular Reiki circle (with my Shamanic drumming circle friends) and we cooked up some incredible healing sessions. (Think trance dance meets group Reiki)
Several years later, both my teacher and I had moved on in different directions and while I felt the pull to complete my Reiki training, I knew I needed to look somewhere new.

It Felt Like Home
My good friend, Gerri Scott, was teaching a Reiki lineage I had never heard of called Komyo Reiki under the tutelage of Hyakuten Inamoto. This Reiki lineage had stayed in Japan and continued unchanged for decades while western Reiki continued to morph. It felt deep and Earthy to me. It felt like home.
In order to train with Gerri, I would need to begin again from Level 1- and I am so glad because it was incredibly delicious! I earned my Shinpiden teacher certification and began teaching this style of Reiki. It has 4 attunements each in Levels 1 & 2 and takes the time to ensure each student is held in a safe, loving container while learning and expanding- another reason why I connect with it so deeply.

My Journey with Shamanism
I’ve been a student of Shamanism since 2006, studying within two very different and beautiful medicine streams.
I had the privilege to learn from my first teacher, Kriket Wilkinson, Shamanic Eclectic Extraordinaire, who taught me the wisdom of allowing Spirit to lead the way. She taught me how to build strong relationships with my guides and how to listen deeply to Spirit’s whispers. She taught me how to go into the dark places safely to bring back the Light. She taught me to hold ceremony and circle and be oh, so gentle with the tender parts of ourselves. Her letter of recommendation is one of my Most Treasured Things. Click Here or scroll down if you'd like to read it, I would be honoured to share it with you.

Spirit Sent Me in a New Direction
Then, I met the sweat lodge. Held in the Mayan lodge, Spirit sent me in a new direction. (When the God Voice speaks, you listen!)
In 2013, I began training with Gael Crystal Light Warrior and the Institute for Shamanic Medicine. Here, I learned the value of structured containers in which to hold the Wisdom. I learned Medicine Songs. I fell in love with Hyemeyohsts Storm’s Earth Count and began to think in medicine wheels.
Gael and her partner Marilyn taught me a new way to go deeply into the Medicine, a new way to hold community, a new way to be in Service for the People. It is because of these three beautiful Medicine streams that I am who I am today.

It Is Beauty In Action
I have woven my Reiki and Shamanic training into my own style of Shamanic Reiki. In a session, we invariably move big pieces for profound shifts. Folks don’t come to me for recreation, they are called to me when it is time to make big steps towards their healing and their Sacred Dream. Our work is big work.
It is Deep. It is Powerful. It is Beauty in Action.
My soul’s mission is to walk with you as you come home to yourself, discovering and embracing your incredible Potential.
I would love to connect with you and hear how Spirit is calling you towards your healing. Transition times are challenging and you don’t have to walk it alone.
I invite you to book your complimentary Connect Call to see if we are a fit for each other. It would be my honour to walk with you in your journey!

A Letter of Recommendation
From my Teacher and Friend, Kriket Shaman
It is with great pleasure that I share my enthusiasm for Erin Kerr.
Erin is one of the most caring and conscientious individuals I have ever met. She cares deeply about her family, friends and community.
I have been Erin’s teacher and student for many years. I have watched her grow in abilities, confidence and relationship to her Spirits. She is a truly dedicated student in her studies in Shamanism and other healing modalities. She has taken years of extensive training and is still on the learning path. A true teacher knows, one is never done learning. She has proven herself to be very knowledgeable, confident and truly humble. She has a strong connection to the Earth and the Ancestors who have walked before her.
I would recommend Erin as a healer, counsellor, a sage and a warrior for anyone looking for spiritual guidance, healing and teaching. I truly believe in the abilities Erin has. The level of commitment she has shown is second to none.
I am so very proud to call Erin my friend and Spiritual Sister!
Kriket Wilkenson